Bugün GazettE'nin 9. yıldönümü!!! Mutlu yıllar GazettE :D
Today is GazettE's 9th anniversary!! Happy birthday GazettE
GazettE en popüler j-rock ve visual kei gruplarından bir tanesi.
10 Mart 2002'de Uruha, Reita , Ruki , Aoi , ve ex-batersitleri Yune (şu anki baterist Kai) tarafından kuruldu.
GazettE is one of popular j-rock and visual kei bands in the world. On 10 March 2002 GazettE was born.
The band was formed by Ruki, Reita, Uruha, Aoi and ex-baterist Yune ( now Kai )
Detaylı bilgi için / For more Information :http://thegazettefantr.niceboard.org/Biyografi-h2.htm
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